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The Town of Mayodan, NC

The town of Mayodan, NC, began collecting field data last fall using Trimble TerraFlex software and a Trimble R2 GNSS Receiver. However, they were working out of multiple geodatabases and shapefile layers. Each time new data was brought in from the field, they had to append data to an unknown existing geodatabase. This resulted in large amounts of duplicate data, also projected in multiple coordinate systems. Duncan-Parnell’s (DP) goal for Mayodan was to organize their data into one working geodatabase and project everything to a single coordinate system while streamlining their office-to-field-to-office workflow, eliminating duplicate data. This was partly achieved by setting up the TerraFlex ArcGIS Plugin for use with their newly designed geodatabase and touching on basic ArcGIS Desktop workflows, editing, symbolization, and tips/tricks.

Working with Mayodan, DP was able to:

  • Consolidate 26 different layers (including shapefiles and geodatabase)

  • Consolidate 9 folders on 2 local user profiles into 1 geodatabase with designated datasets

  • Projected layers from 3 different coordinate systems to Mayodan's preferred coordinate system

  • Introduce Esri’s ArcGIS Explorer as a cost-effective way to share data with the organization

  • Set up a new master TerraFlex project for field data collection

  • Reduce post-processing workflow from a 4-step procedure to a one-step procedure

“Duncan-Parnell was great to work with on this project. They listened to our needs and executed the project well. They were able to clean and consolidate our data and improve our workflow. before they arrived, getting data into our GIS was a time-consuming hassle. Now, we just click one button and it is there. They have also been helpful in supporting us after the project was completed.”

-Joey, Town of Mayodan Utilities


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