Geospatial Equipment for Rent

At Duncan-Parnell, we provide high-quality surveying and mapping equipment rental options available for reasonable daily rates, weekly fees or 4-week rental. You can choose from a variety of rental equipment manufactured by top brands and a range of rental options that meet your needs and budget.

If you decide to purchase within 30 days of the rental start, that rental is FREE.


Equipment Rental Rates may vary slightly based on the units / components available, and the VRS network coverage type (when applicable). Rates and terms are subject to change without notice. Other products not listed below are available for rent in certain locations. Please call one of the numbers above for complete details and availability.

Mapping/GIS Unit Description Daily Weekly 4 Weeks
Trimble GeoExplorer 7X without Rangefinder
Trimble GeoExplorer 7X H-Star Series. Includes: Geo 7X with TerraSync, Pathfinder Office, USB Cable, Power Supply
$110 $440 $1,320
Trimble GeoExplorer 7X with Rangefinder
Trimble GeoExplorer 7X H-Star Series. Includes: Geo 7X with Rangefinder & TerraSync, Pathfinder Office, USB Cable, Power Supply
$125 $500 $1,500
Trimble GeoExplorer 7X with Antenna Kit
Trimble GeoExplorer 7X H-Star Series. Includes: Geo 7X with TerraSync, Pathfinder Office, USB Cable, Power Supply, Tornado or Zephyr Antenna, Antenna Cable, Pole & Brackets
$140 $560 $1,680
Trimble GeoExplorer 7X Centimeter VRS System
Trimble GeoExplorer 7X Centimeter VRS System. Includes: Geo 7X with Rangefinder and TerraSync Centimeter, Pathfinder Office, USB Cable, Power Supply, Zephyr Model 2 Antenna, Antenna Cable, Pole Mount, Bracket, Network Access
$150 $600 $1,800
Trimble Zephyr Antenna
Includes: Zephyr Antenna with Cable
$25 $75 $150
Trimble Zephyr Antenna Kit
Includes: Zephyr Antenna with Cable, Pole, Pole Mount, Bracket
$35 $90 $225
Trimble R1 GNSS Receiver
Includes: R1 GNSS Receiver (Sub-meter), USB Cable and Power Supply
$50 $200 $600
Juniper Geode GNSS Receiver
Includes: Geode GNSS Receiver (Sub-meter) USB Cable and Power Supply
$50 $200 $600
Trimble R580 Sub-Foot Receiver
Includes: R580 GNSS Receiver (Sub-foot), Batteries, Charger, 2M Range Pole
Trimble R580 Centimeter Receiver
Includes: R580 GNSS Receiver (CM), Batteries, Charger, 2M Range Pole
TruPulse 360 Laser Rangefinder
TruPulse 360 Laser Rangefinder
$25 $100 $300
Trimble TDC650 Sub-Foot (Post-Processed)
Includes: TerraFlex & Power supply
Trimble TDC650 Sub-Meter
Trimble TDC650 Includes: TerraFlex & Power supply

Survey Unit Description Daily Weekly 4 Weeks
Trimble SX12 Scanning Total Station Kit
Includes: Trimble SX12 Scanning Total Station, Batteries, Chargers, Trimble TSC7 w/Trimble Access, Tripod, 360 Prism, Prism Pole, Bipod
$580 $2,320 $6,960
Trimble X9 3D Scanner w/T10x Kit
Includes: Trimble X9 3D Scanner, Trimble T10x Tablet w/Software, Batteries, Charger, Tripod
$820 $3,280 $9,840
Trimble X12 3D Scanner w/10x Tablet Kit
Includes: Trimble X12 Scanner, Trimble 10x Tablet w/Software, Power Pack with Batteries, Tripod
$1,000 $4,000 Inquire
Trimble S5 Robotic Kit
Includes: Trimble S5 Robot, Case, Batteries, Charger, MT1000 Prism, Data Collector with Trimble Access, Prism Pole, Bipod, Tripod
$270 $1,080 $3,240
Trimble S5 Robot
Trimble S5 Instrument Only
$200 $800 $2,400
Trimble S7 Robotic Kit
Includes: Trimble S7 Robot, Case, Batteries, MT1000 Prism, Data Collector with Trimble Access, Prism Pole, Bipod, Tripod
$270 $1,080 $3,240
Trimble S7 Robot
Trimble S7 Instrument Only
$200 $800 $2,400
Trimble C3 Total Station Kit
Includes: Trimble C3 Mechanical Total Station, Case, Batteries, Charger, Prism Rod, Data Collector with Trimble Access, Bipod, Tripod
$120 $480 $1,440
Trimble C3 Total Station
Trimble C3 Instrument Only
$110 $440 $1,320
Trimble R12i VRS Kit
Includes: Trimble R12i Receiver, Batteries, Charger, Data Collector w/Trimble Access, Rover Rod, Bipod, MIFI and VRS (real-time network) log-in
$225 $900 $2,700
Trimble R12i
Includes: R12i GNSS Receiver, Case, Charger, Batteries, Accessories
$175 $700 $2,100
RTK Rover Kit
Includes: GNSS Receiver, Case, Charger, Batteries, Data Collector w/Trimble Access, Bipod, Rover Rod, Rod Bag
$210 $840 $2,520
RTK Base Kit
Includes: GNSS Receiver, Case, Charger, Batteries, Thumb Release Tripod, 2M Rod, Rod Bag
$210 $840 $2,520
RTK Base & Rover Kit
Includes: 2 GNSS Receivers, Cases, Chargers, Batteries, Data Collector w/Trimble Access Thumb Release Tripod, Bipod, Rover Rod,2M Rod, Rod Bag
$375 $1,500 $4,500
Seafloor Hydrolite
Includes: Sonarmite TM, Yellow Sonarmite Velcro Pouch, Sonarmite AC Charger, Sonarmite Serial Cable, Sonarmite 200Khz Transducer, Transducer Mounting Bracket, Survey Point Male Thread, 2 ft. Yellow Poles (minimum qty 3), Hard Carry Case. Single Frequency Only.
$300 $1,200 $3,600
Seafloor Hydrone
Includes: Pontoon Hulls with Thrusters (min. qty 2), Stabilizer Fin (min. qty 2), Hatch Covers (min. qty 4), Hatch Wrench, 16ah 14.8VDC Battery (min. qty 2), Battery Charger with Cable (min. qty 1), Frame, Frame Screw/Washer (min. qty 4), Frame Screw Screwdriver (min. qty 1), Pole Mounts with (4) Screws each and Screwdriver (min qty 2), Futaba Handheld Remote Control Unit Serial #B81052545 with 4 AA Batteries, Hard Carry Case with 2 Inserts.
$300 $1,200 $3,600
Seafloor TriDrone
Includes: TriDrone Foldable USV Platform, Remote Control, Shipping Case, Single beam sonar system, & Carbon Fiber Mast. Single Frequency Only.
$600 $1,800 $5,400
Trimble TDL450 Radio
Includes: Trimble TDL450 Radio Only
$35 $140 $420
Trimble TDL450 Field Battery/Charger Kit
Includes: Battery, Charger, Carrying Case
$15 $60 $90
Trimble TSC7 Data Collector
Includes: Trimble TSC7 Data Collector, Bag, AC Charger, Pole Mount, and Bracket
$70 $300 $900
Trimble TSC5 w/Trimble Access
Includes: Trimble TS5 Data Collector w/Trimble Access, Bag, AC Adapter, USB-C Charge Cord, Pole Mount, and Bracket
$70 $300 $800
Trimble Dini Digital Level
Includes: Dini 0.3 Digital Level, Tripod, 2 Bar Code Rods
$75 $300 $750
Screening Eagle/Proceq GS8000 Pro
Includes: GS8000 Pro Ground Penetrating Radar kit & iPAD Pro w/ Proceq GPR Subsurface App
$200 $800 $2,400
Magnetic Locator
Includes: Schoenstedt or Subsurface Locator, Case
$25 $100 $300
Automatic Level
Includes: Auto Level, Tripod, Level Rod (Tenths or Inches)
$25 $100 $300
Rotating Laser Level
Includes: Laser Level, Receiver, Tripod, Level Rod (Tenths or Inches)
$60 $125 $375
Pipe Laser $100 $225 $675
Includes: Theodolite, Tripod

Accessories Daily Weekly 4 Weeks
Trimble MT1000 Prism
Includes: Trimble MT1000 Prism, Battery
$25 $100 $400
Trimble R10 Base Kit
Includes: Case, 6Ah Cowbell Battery, Charger, Base Station Extension, Tape, Y-Cable
$30 $90 $270
Tribrach w/Optical Plumb & Adapter $10 $40 $80
Tripod $10 $40 $80
Bipod $5 $20 $50
30mm Prism $5 $20 $50
Prism Pole $5 $20 $50
2M Rod $5 $20 $50

The Benefits of Renting vs Buying Surveying & Geospatial Equipment

Whether your project is large or small, consider renting rather than buying a piece of equipment for surveying or geospatial mapping. This way, you can complete your project with less expense, especially if you don't anticipate using the land surveying equipment or mapping equipment often. You can also learn how to use the equipment and make sure that it is right for your needs. Our rates are competitive, and you can choose to rent on a daily, weekly or 4-week basis according to the scope of your project. Plus, if you decide to purchase your rental equipment within 30 days, your rental will be free.

Quality Equipment Available

We offer a range of quality geospatial and surveying equipment rentals. Trimble Survey Equipment tops our list, and you can select from everything from GIS mapping kits to survey stations to robotic systems. The Trimble equipment for rent through Duncan-Parnell is well-maintained and varied enough to support numerous surveying and mapping projects large and small. Duncan-Parnell also offers receivers, laser rangefinders, 3D scanners, seafloor hydrones, magnetic locators and pipe lasers. Call your local Duncan-Parnell office to find out which equipment is available in your area and to get all the latest rates. With over 75 years of experience, we can help you determine which equipment is best for your project.