Laser Scanning
- Trimble TX8 Laser ScannerOut of stock
Countless industries depend on laser surveying equipment to quickly and efficiently capture geospatial information on land, buildings, and other structures. This information allows professionals to analyze data and formulate meaningful deliverables such as 3D point clouds for interior and exterior applications. Duncan-Parnell is a long-time laser scanning supplier with over 75 years of experience, committed to supplying your team with superior products and expert services.
Trimble is a leader in this sector, developing premium devices to capture and deliver precise data quickly. They are committed to providing organizations with sophisticated equipment to increase on-the-job productivity and enhance project decision-making.
At Duncan-Parnell, we have developed a strong relationship with Trimble, becoming an authorized dealer of their high-performance 3D laser scanning equipment in the Southeast. These tools blend quality imaging and efficient operation to optimize workflow with dependable 3D solutions.
We maintain a large inventory of Trimble laser scanners with unique features to make finding the right tool for your project easier than ever. Our selection includes the:
When searching for high-quality scanners for your laser surveying applications, trust Duncan-Parnell to provide you with what you need. We have decades of experience in the industry, providing engineers, architects, contractors, and surveyors with dependable equipment. Our family-owned operation has increased to 18 locations across the Southeastern United States.
At Duncan-Parnell, we care about our customers and strive to acquire your long-term trust through respectful and transparent services. Working with our team also means receiving unique benefits, such as:
Duncan-Parnell is your go-to provider for dependable 3D laser scanners useful for numerous applications around the job site. We will do more than just supply you with devices from innovative brands — we will offer the expertise of professionals who care. If you need help identifying a suitable device, contact us online to speak with a specialist and request your quote today.