ADVANCED TerraSync and Pathfinder Office May 10, 2017
DATE: May 10, 2017 • $179 Fee
LOCATION: Charlotte, NC
Advanced TerraSync & Pathfinder Office
Do you feel like you know the basics for field data collection with TerraSync and for post-processing with Pathfinder Office but want to do more with your investment? Then this class is for you. This one-day course includes:
- Importing Data from numerous formats like dxf, shp, and gdb
- Data filtering and searching
- Using background files with Terrasync Professional (including online sources)
- Navigating to features including “Crosstrack”
- Methods for updating features/performing inspections
- Advanced data dictionary concepts such as photo links and conditional statements
- Customizing with Terrasync Studio
- Lock down field settings with custom configurations